

As an approach to qualitative research, the aim of IPA is to provide information about how individuals make sense of a certain phenomenon. In most cases, this phenomenon is a significant, life-changing event that the individual has a personal connection with.


As one of the most interactive forms of research, ethnographic research was mainly used in anthropology before other social sciences also started to utilize it. It is a qualitative research method that involves researchers studying the research participants in their real-life environment.


A case study is a research approach that involves investigating a phenomenon within its context. The researcher conducting a case study explores an event, individual, group, place, etc., to determine the reasons behind the issue.


Used in a wide range of humanities and social science disciplines such as education, anthropology, psychology, public relations, linguistics, sociology, discourse analysis is an approach to analysis of written, verbal and non-verbal language in its social context.


Researchers generally use two forms of research which include primary research and secondary research.


A research proposal is written in order to give an overview of the planned research in scientific or academic fields. It has the same objective in both cases – to include details of the project, but it can have different structure across different areas.


Participatory action research (PAR) is one of the most effective research approaches and helps to get better results than traditional research in some fields. In this form of research, researchers cooperate with the participants – people who are the main subjects of the research.


Technological advances, especially the internet, opened new horizons for almost all scientific fields. As an integral part of science, research also took advantage of the benefits internet brought.


Open research, also called open science, is one of the forms of research that offers an interactive research process for the individuals involved. As the name suggests, open research projects conducted by researchers are open to their peers or to the general public.


Research ethics include moral principles that every researcher should follow in their works. Research misconduct is deviance from such standards and is considered one of the most serious issues when it comes to research.
