

Although people use these two terms interchangeably, they have distinctive characteristics. Knowing critical differences between those two may help companies develop more effective strategies regarding the product and services.


Marketing research is a process of collecting and analyzing data used to identify marketing opportunities and problems associated with products and services.


Transcribing is a process of converting audio to text and is widely used by people for a variety of purposes.  It is possible to use a human transcriber or go for the second option  – the automatic transcription service. Companies use transcription services for conferences too.


Although the human brain is powerful, it can’t store everything we hear, see or read in our lifetime.


As primary methods of data collection, interviews and surveys are conducted traditionally (face-to-face) and online. Although online research methods reach a wider audience, they are not substitutes for in-person data collection methods in some cases.


Writing has a long history as an art form. Writers always used their hands to write with a pen or, type using typewriter and computer. "Handwriting "was the only method available. Now, they take a fresh approach to that process.


Focus groups are one of the significant data-gathering methods commonly used in marketing and social sciences.  It is organized the same way as interviews, but instead of one-on-one interactions, they usually involve fiv


Surveys are among the primary methods of collecting data.


One of the principal methods of collecting data is observation. This research technique is primarily used for qualitative research to gather data about people, objects, events, behaviours, etc., in their natural setting.


We may perform research for academic or business purposes, and in both cases, we need to gather information using different data collection methods. These methods vary depending on the method availability or objectives of the research.
